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The Room With A View

It rained!

But we were ready!

Saturday June 2, 2007.

A "told you so" to the CONtractor:

Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 10:12 AM

Dear Nice Guys Corp. Senior V.P.,

Just as I figgied!
Awoke shortly after five to the sound of wind, and rain. It was still dark. As I approached the door to the Family Room I could hear a gurgling sound at my feet. I opened the sliding door and what did I see? Water! Rain Water! With the door open there was no more gurgling...no wind restriction. Ha ha.
The sluice saved the day ( night ).
A view out into the darkness: It is still raining.
Note the far corner....the "Bottom Plate" is submerged...all around the Footer...must commend those who put in the footer...it is perfectly level.
Through that opening all the water is going...on the other side washing away the soft earth...but that's not an issue.
The issue here is that the house slab is but a quarter-inch above the water level...the sliding door tracks being submerged by a quarter-inch.
I know what you're thinking, and you're right...if it had been blowing a gale...even a minimum gale...it would have pushed that water right into the house...big time.
In an email to you a while back I mentioned this possibly happening in heavy rains. I asked for guidance...but got none. I know...you're not much into email.
Fortunately, I received "guidance" from another source.
Below: The rain has stopped. The water has drained through the "sluice". You can now see the "Bottom Plate", and the top of the concrete.
The next photo shows the "Sluice" as skies clear:
The water in the photo above has now leveled off at the extreme top of the concrete header. The ingenuity in the design of the "Sluice Plug" shown sitting to the right is it's shape...as you can see.
Needless to say...until there is a roof constructed, even if only the felt, this "Sluice Plug" must be left accessable ( removable )...the filler panel installed, but not completed at that point. Then the plug can be slipped in, glued, and fastened.
To conclude: To you this is un-acceptable, what with Hurricane Season being upon us now...and I have to agree. Fortunately, we were assured by Scott just a few days ago in your office, that this coming tuesday will see the job started to completion.
Let's make it a masterpiece.
----- Original Message -----
From:Normal email friend
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: THE SLUICE

> That should work. Easy enough to glue and clamp back in too. What a
> crock when you have to take such measures.
> Friend

It took five-hours, eleven-minutes to syphon dry with standard one-half-inch garden hose.

See What Happens