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The Room With A View
Our Sunroom FIFTYONE

¿Que pasa?

S A T U R D A Y?

Saturday July 7, 2007


Nice Guys working on Saturday?

Nice Guys guys - Three of them.

It's saturday - S A T U R D A Y and THEY'RE HERE!?!?...."They" meaning the CONtractor!

As I was returning from our morning walk, I see one of their trucks heading down our street...it's 0905. As I pass a neighbor's house, she's just getting out with her two pals ( little pooches ). I says to her: "I just saw a Nice Guys pickup heading down the street."

"It's Saturday" she answers." continuing: "But are there any other trucks besides them. That's all I see lately."

I'm curious now...what is going on? This is a first!

As she and I, and pooches approach my place, she splits, and I see one guy standing by his pickup and ask him: "What's up?" He answers with: "We're working saturdays now, and getting wednesdays off. Did anyone leave anything with you yesterday?" I tell him it's all in the garage. "Great! We're here to install the Door, and Soffit, and whatever else we can do today." he says.

He's one of the "sledge and crow-bar" types...finesse isn't his bag. "Why me?" I think to myself. I open the door to the garage thinking of what fate faces all this nice material. Then from around the corner comes the Panel Fabricator - the Panel Assembly "Technician"...the guy who's parents are in the Foreign Service. "¿Que pasa?" I ask. He smiles, and extends his hand...says nothing. He always greets with a hand-shake. Then another guy appears...one I never met before...big fella...young...collegiate looking...head shaven. He's already wearing a tool belt. Could he influence some non-neanderthalistic approach to hanging the door?

The door disappears to the back yard. I'm just not going to watch, but just then I see the former Project Manager appear. He's now officially Nice Guys Corp. "General Manager". He's all decked out in "work clothes"...really! Looks like he's actually going to work!

All this while B/H ( Better Half ) is mowing the back forty. She spots the G.M...."Whassup?" she askes. He fills her in with the "Plan O' The Day". Seems he's going to install the two quadrilateral Gable windows...or "try to" anyways...B/H tells me later. The "try to" qualifier has me concerned. B/H seems happy. I don't explore that observation...she disappears into her room.

In the meantime, the Panel Tech, and one other is up on the roof. The door disappears from it's leaning place along a wall. I return to documenting all this as it's happening.

1045 All heavy pounding, and nailing ceases. The sledge guy had added some 2x6 timbers to the upper portion of the opening in the wall panel...and I see the door is hung. A quick peek out the kitchen window reveals what I thought it should look like. Amazing! I don't chance a too thorough examination...too early in the morning for disappointment.

As I repair to the garage for a smoke I chance a glance...the Collegiate looking fellow is about to install the door locks as sledge guy looks on. There seems to be some controversy...I continue on my way. I come back in again to retrieve my pal ( pooch )...he's been so good not barking. Together we leave for the garage, and the front of the house.

Seems the "General Manager" turned carpenter-glazier has left. Panel Tech, and helper root through the pile of materials in the garage retrieving some vinyl soffit ( eaves ) parts. A quick glance reveals that facet of the construction is going up fast...looks good.

Sledge guy says the roofing tiles go on on Monday. He's now "helping" with the soffit work...the "collegiate" one also.

All of a sudden they leave...it's 1245...everything tidied up. Saturday reverts to saturday. Someone says someone may come out tomorrow ( sunday ) to do some work on the dry wall...maybe.

The door. Steel, so the shipping frame says. If so, it's just about 3/16ths...as seen where the holes for the locks are drilled. That's heavy!

Outside view of the doh. It opens, and closes nicely. Also, it opens almost 180...flush against the wall...that's nice.
However, it's not the door style B/H wanted. She wanted a single pane glass. Also the lower half isn't plain...with a Doggy Door installed it wouldn't look nice. So...no Doggy Door.

It's been over a year now...desperately want this over with...have resigned ourselves to live with what we get. Just hoping the roof doesn't leak. Enough is enough!

Note the Soffit...looks nice...so far...it's not finished.

See What Happens