The Room With A View
Our Sunroom TEN
Tuesday Feb 13 2007
The plan was not to Update until something began workwise...however....
We visit the County Building Code Permitting & Enforcement Department...two weeks having past since the last report.

The Chief Inspector prints out a copy of their latest correspondence with the General Contractor.

Isn't that neat?
A nice man...he also prints out another from a month before:

Isn't this wonderful? One would begin to wonder about this contractor after reading the above.
Anticipating that "dead valleys" would be an issue, way back in June of last year I drew up a simple picture of what may be proposed...that red, and white thingy I posted in earlier pages.
Today I have posted another simple drawing that should solve that it is:

It's pretty simple...almost like using the old pateo roof, but that's gone. The shaded blue section of roofing is flat, but slanted down to allow rain water to run "dead valley", or as some call it: "flat valley". To keep everything symetrical, this section is repeated on the other side of the peaked section. I imagine it to look quite nice inside the room also when one looks up...a "V" sort of ceiling. Hanging a ceiling phan should be a cinch as the peaked ceiling, which we preferred is still there.

The Chief Inspector said he would personally phone the Contractor to see if he can smooth over any "issues", and get the ball rolling. He assured us he'd do this without ruffling any feathers, or putting us in a bad light in any way. It's for sure the Contractor doesn't like his patrons getting too chummy with the Chief Inspector.

We shall see.