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The Room With A View
Our Sunroom THIRTY

Nonsense and advice

Friday May 25, 2007.

A dopey email to the CONtractor

A lien notice from the CONcrete supplier.

Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 2:29 PM

I know, I know, I know...patience, patience, patience. We have plenty of that. It's the name of the game!
You know...we're almost like family. Feel like I've known you all my life.
How about this:

A bit of corrugated tin; some old timbers; some old screening wrapped around the outside and tacked in place; and the rain, and bug problem is no more. The ceiling fan bought new in anticipation of the sunroom in June of last year could be hung just for effect...it won't work...no power...but ingenious...what! 

Now this:

Last Friday on a visit to your office, the word was that the "Roof Package" was expected in this week.
Now...who doesn't love packages? That got us all excited. Must be some package!
To Quote the Warden in the movie "Cool Hand Luke": "What we have here is a lack of communication."
If in that marvelous Nice Guys web site: www.niceguys.con , which is costing big bux, there was a Monthly Abstract listing in order of tenure ( first come, first served...no exceptions ), each Permit Number showing estimated start, and completion dates, everyone would know where they stand, and can plan if need be. Update the list whenever unforseen hangups occur...as simple as that! Have a field where these "hangups" could be posted.
This is no big deal...any secretary can manage this: receiving input from the Project Managers, and uploading it to the site's Web Master.
Can't be anymore "up-front" than that. It would certainly put an end to anxious phone calls, and dopey emails like this. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to do this. It's supposed to be the Twenty first Century.
Try it...you'll like it!

At 1300 today the Postman rang twice...a Special Delivery letter from the CONcrete Supplier. It had to be signed for.
We signed for it, said good day to the Postman. A form letter from the CONcrete Supplier about liens if the bill for the CONcrete isn't paid. We call Nice Guys right away. Nice Guys informs us they did pay the bill for the CONcrete, and that they would mail us the "Release". A formality which if even the bill was paid, the CONcrete Supplier needs it to not go ahead with a lien. I do believe we as a nation need help...fast.

While on the phone the Nice Guys person informs us that they will be out to our place this coming Tuesday to put up the walls. They have put up the walls! It's reasonable to assume Nice Guys Corp has gone bonkers.

See What Happens