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The Room With A View

Roof Package

Saturday May 19, 2007.

Emails over the past week sent to Nice Guys Corp

Three emails - two observations; one sheer panic.

Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 2:48 PM

Dear Mr. VP Nice Guys Corp:
Unfortunately this is not a "funny".
I just realized eyeballing the height of the footing around my enclosure ( sunroom ) that if ever we get torrential rains, which we sometimes do, there is a change our house could be flooded...there is no roof as yet over the sunroom. See photo...just taken...below.
When it rains hard, water cascades off of this hip roofed house like Niagra. I'm just now hoping that small opening still left can accomodate it.
Please advise.

There was no reply to the above email...though didn't expect any.

Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 6:18 AM

Hi VP,
It's early thursday morning...this week is practically over. The weather holds good...can't fault that. However, you're letting me down VP. Usually a short email to you produces a little action here...the last time quite a bit...the wall panels went up.
That's almost three weeks ago VP...you know we have to keep the faith here. I've got one other to consider here you know...you should see the joy in her face when anyone from Nice Guys Corp shows up.
It doesn't take much...just something added to the sunroom...little by little helps. If I might suggest, consulting the plans for the sunroom, that Microllam LVL ( Laminated Veneered Lumber ) Wall Beam. It's not a big job...just one piece of lumber twenty-feet long. It's pretty material...nice to look at. You know, just something to get our spirits up.
These lapses in construction, as I mentioned before, has us, for something to do, studying the Plans...something we ordinarily wouldn't have bothered with.
Have you examined the Plans...they are quite thorough.? Lists everything from little nails to big bolts, and other hardware. It's quite interesting. This is ( will be ) a beautiful Sunroom.
So, C'mon VP...don't let us down now. A little at a time is alright...it has been working fine. Let's see that Microllam LVL Wall Beam. That would be neat!

There was no reply to the above email...though didn't expect any.

Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 3:07 PM

Oh...by the way!
Before I get into this, if ever you want to, or can get out of your office...they must drive you crazy over there...you're welcome to seek refuge here for a spell. Have a cup of coffee...shoot the breeze...tell sea-stories or whatever.
Call it "Field Work"...it would do you good.
In my last email I mentioned the Plans, and particularly the LVL Wall Beam. Not being anywheres familiar with construction, and even reading plans, I do believe I can in this case discern a problem that should be addressed...or will have to be addressed at some time. That sometime would be when the Wall Beam is put in place.
As it is now, one of the Wall Panels ( Module ) was a bit out of square...so said the carpenter on the job at the time. He intimated, as did his buddy that it didn't matter...slack could be taken up somewheres else...so to speak.
However mis-alignments have a way of transmitting themselves along the way.
This has been haunting me as I do feel Nice Guys Corp wouldn't approve of it as it is.
Here it is as photographed:
As you can see, the panel isn't seated on the Bottom Plate at this corner. It doesn't look like much, though light can be seen through the gap.
In the next photo you can readily see how this translates up to the top of the Wall Panel.
By actual measurement it's three eigths of an inch higher on this side of this panel which precludes any proper seating of the LVL Wall Beam.
The gap in the bottom though it does indicate no load bearing by that side of the panel except by the nails and glue that joins it to the other panel, I would assume it would be enough just to chanfer the top 2x4...and leave the rest of the panel as is.
Now like I say I'm not the expert, but I myself can't see replacing the entire panel.
If perchance anyone is of the opinion that the LVL Wall Beam isn't necessary, it is in the latest Plans Nice Guys...in your own words, did go to "great expense" to have re-done.
And...doing a little research on this Wall Beam in association with "Gable Bracing"...which is the term mentioned in two places in the Plans, and an Engineering Analysis, it is important. It's been determined that vortexes are set up by very strong winds on Gable ends. Since this Sunroom is meant to withstand Category 4 storms, these plans are evidence that Nice Guys means it.
It's easy for me to sit here and draw up graphics, but they do get the point across. Here's the Sunroom structure so far...with the "Wall Beam" installed digitally:
Looks nice...doesn't it.

There was no reply to the above email...though didn't expect any.

The next email...the last for this page, was sent in a fever. I was handed a note with ( County name ) County Sheriff's Office phone number, and Sheriff Deputy's name on it. It was mid-morning, yesterday - May 18th '07 when we received a call from the County Attorney's Office saying this individual would be taking names. We had contacted the County Attorney's Office some months back when things were appearing as hopeless, but just asked for guidance. Now we were getting it, or being offered it.

Back then, as now, I felt that wasn't yet the route to go. However, maybe it is...but I had to make sure.
The email below was my last ditch effort to "awaken" Nice Guys Corp.

Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 11:39 AM
Subject: FRIDAY 1137

Hello Mr. V.P.,
I'm getting bad vibes. Tell me it's my imagination. When I don't see things happening, especially after my emails to you I begin to worry.
Hoping all is well with you, as only once did you reply to one of my emails, but I know you're not into that emailing thing, so I don't expect it. However, an email to you usually was followed up by some work done. I understood you to get a kick out of them ( my emails ), I hope my latest haven't ticked you off.
You know, as I told you when you were here with the Project Manager back last November, that a Sunroom built by your company is all I'll settle for.
I'm a bit mystified as to why these bad vibes inspite of the Nice Guys trailer still parked on my driveway with all those nice windows, and things waiting to be installed. Tell me I'm wrong...it would be devistating if so.
Just reply to this email with a "Gotcha", or call me at ( tel no. )...that's my private phone, but sometimes I don't hear it...hence this emailing thing.
Please Mr. V.P., either way...talk to me.

Sounds pathetic doesn't it. Pleading, begging..."devistating"...Oh C'mon!
Yes...but it was sent in earnest. Though this is supposed to be satirical, and aimed at the CONtractor (s), an invisible hand had penned the above.

Unbeknownst to me, my other half at the time it was being generated was in Nice Guys office looking for the V.P., who wasn't in. However, the secretary...now a "friend" told my other half the "Roof Package" had been ordered, and was expected by next week. I was told this by the O/H at lunch time. I felt "jubilated". I really want this sunroom built, and built by Nice Guys Corp.

See What Happens