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The Room With A View

Home Delivery

Friday June 15, 2007

Three nice guys from Nice Guys surprise us at 1400.

Rafters and hewn timber ridge beam.

Not complete without LVL Ridge Beam...still on order as is LVL Wall Beam.

At least it's something.

It was two o'clock this quiet, sunny Friday afternoon. My "Better Half" just popped her head into the garage where I was having a smoke, and sippin' on some coffee to tell me she had some errands to run. "Okay" I answer.
Seconds later: Bang, bang, bang...it's B/H banging on the garage door windows...we have eight small windows along the top of the garage door: Bang, bang, bang again.
In a nano-second my brain registers: "Nice Guys Corp". I look out the windows and there is B/H walking down the driveway towards the street...three fellows getting out of a flat-bed truck loaded to the hilt with lumber of all kinds, and sizes. Brand spanking new lumber shining in the mid-day sun.
It had been a seemingly long week as we expected, but then weren't bettin' on it, that work on the roof would begin. For a few weeks now the "Roof Package" had been foremost in our minds.
So...there, along with "packages" for other customers was our package. Not the largest, but to us the most beautiful. Not complete, as I asked after the two LVL Beams - one for the Ridge, and the other for the Wall Beam...the Gable Bracing.
"They're on special order." the lead fellow said. Actually, there's no point in even starting the roof without those two elements, so this delivery is just to "hold us over"...so to speak.
Like visitors rowing towards shore, the Pitcairn Islanders welcome any who come.
You'd think B/H and I were being visited by Publishing Clearing House. Even Winston was excited .
Like long-lost friends, we greeted the three, who we know by name from other times.
The first order of the day: where to put all this timber? Luckily B/H was here, and she set off with them in tow to show them where she wanted it stacked.
Being particular, she had them stack it on the South side of the house with minimal contact with the ground so as not to damage the lawn.
It was hot, and when finished B/H saw they got something cool to drink...so preferring water, water it was with lots of ice. After a rest, the three left at 1430...off to deliver to three other customers.

It's a sure bet Nice Guys figure we should be satisfied for a while. Can't imagine any work being done for some weeks now. Anyways the LVL components are still needed.

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