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The Room With A View

An Unexpected Visit

Friday June 8, 2007

The Senior V.P. drops by around 0830.

All of this sunroom thing takes it toll.

Key players: Me; Wife; Senior V.P.; and Project Manager ( Supervisor ).

The Senior Vice President's visit in brief:

Up late ( 0800 )...as I was just finishing my first cup of coffee, the Senior V.P. visited us. I don't know the circumstances for his coming here so early, as the wife ( Better/Half ) came out of the house with him following behind. I imagine they had a chat, but don't know what it was about. Anyways, here's the V.P. coming out of the family room onto the pateo area. I recognized him immediately, having seen so much of him in TV Video Clips as of late.
I welcomed him, and was surprised to see he looked quite well as compared to his Project Manager who visted a couple of evenings ago.
He seemed to be in good spirits, and no less for wear after all the past interrogations from the Media. In fact he was quite "smiley".
I think maybe B/H had called early, as last night she was quite upset about that concrete butcher job we were left with. She hadn't viewed it from the grass side, and last evening while out there with our pal, she saw the "bad" side of the opening.
I guess it was around nine-thirty last night when she came out of her room for a snack, and before returning to her room with it, she vented her concern about it as I was watching a program. It sounded like she wanted to discuss it, so I tried to explain how demolition guys work...do everything twice...destroy first...patch up later. Anyhow, I agreed with her saying it was disturbing for me too. As usual, while I'm agreeing with her, she walks away, leaving for her TV, and snack.
Wanting to add somemore to what I said I got up, and went to her room to finish what I was trying to say. I was told I was disturbing her watching TV.
It was okay for her to intrude on me, but not me do it to her. I left with a loud "Well...pardon me!", and something to the effect of where she could go...hell I suppose. Ha ha. Anyways she slammed her door shut, and I was left royally pissed off...this is how all this sunroom thing is effecting us.
Now with my interest in the TV, or anything else shot in the ass, it's only the garage, and pacing...finishing my stale coffee, and smoking up a storm.
You can drink only so much coffee...if I had booze, after the first sip I'd have forgotten it, and went off to fantasy land. But I didn't, and the only thing else was the computer. I left the TV on, as well as all of the lights, and started putting sunroom37 together.
I don't know when I finished that, and uploaded it to the server, but it was late, so I just went to bed fully clothed...cuddling our pal who was sound asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night freezing to death, so pulled the bedspread over us, sleeping til after eight.
So when the V.P. saw me I was a mess having slept in my clothes, not even washing up a little, and my hair flying everywhere.
He didn't seem to take notice, and wanted to get down to explaining what they plan for that "butcher" job on the concrete. This is when I suspected B/H had called their office and got him over here.
He explained that they had more work to do chiseling back the concrete, and leveling it off perfectly with the old pateo decking...adding a slight slope to it for drainage, and installing a nice four foot square concrete landing so we don't step out onto grass. G is standing back a ways as he explains on his knees the whole process...something which I never thought of, and which seemed to please B/H.
Is this going to be the first of "freebees" to make up for botched jobs? I'm always leery of such things. They suggest it, they pay.
We continued on after that, me questioning him on how close these so called "carpenters" will abide by the plans. Like I did with the Project Manager a couple of evenings ago, and like I posted in sunroom37, I pointed out the things in the plans that are most important. He listened very intently, insuring me that in no way would any detail be overlooked, and added that in no way will the County Inspector overlook any of it either. I then asked if he meant after everything is covered up. He jumped on that saying: "No...the inspector will see it all before it's covered...every nut, bolt, screw, and nail." He added that Inspectors can be fired too for not doing their job.
I then went into ever nut, bolt, screw, and nail. He could see I had memorized the plans...he knew them too...surprisingly. He went on to say he started out in the trade as a carpenter. He then wanted to explain why he went ape, and took on a life of crime explaining it all started when his former wife took off with a neighbor, leaving him, and his kids. "I went crazy...didn't care about anything!" he said.
We listened, but found it hard to believe...if you met him, you wouldn't think it was ever possible. Meeting him personally you'd take him for a saint.
I cannot for a second now think this guy is BSing me. If he is, I will figure I have seen it all...it has to be impossible that he is. If so I will believe in the "anti-christ" without hesitation, put on a sandwich board, and walk up, and down the boulevard yelling: "The End Is Near!".
He left smiling, seemingly happy he came and listened to my spiel. I did by the way also tell him how to pull his company out of the fix it is in by being up-front. Posting a monthly abstract, and keeping customers informed immediately about anything.
As he left he said that on Monday they will start on the roof, and it will be according to the plans, as everything else will be. With that he left with B/H, and I got a refill of coffee, and went back to sitting outside with our Pal.
So early in the day, especially after a bad night is taxing. I'm about as worn out as if it was my company all screwed up. Trying to analyse it all from B/H to Nice Guys Corp. I really need for all this to get settled...I'm not an authority on companies, nor sunrooms...I just want a room I can sit out in and drink coffee as I smoke without getting wet; sunburned; or eaten by bugs. That's all I want.

Will they show on monday? More butchery?

See What Happens