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The Room With A View


Too little over too long.

Friday June 27, 2007


Wash out. Heavy shower. B/H notices rain water dripping from the top of the Family Room Sliding Doors Frame and lines the floor with towels, and calls Nice Guys Corp. Two Nice Guys appear within minutes, using our ladder, they climb to the roof, find the problem, and commence a jury-rig. Head Project Manager arrives within a half-hour and assist the two. In the meantime the rain stops.

Yesterday - Thursday - June 29th 2007 was a busy day with three Nice Guys working to correct some things. During the morning one Nice Guys guy sneaks in to do a small job...quietly leaves.

Too little spread over too long makes for confusion. So long in being built one forgets even why we ordered a sunroom. We'll address this later. In the meantime the leak persists when the rain starts in heavy again. The Senior PM calls ( using cell phone...they all carry cell phones ) the new PM with the same first name, and tells him to bring a giant roof tarp. Within minutes the fellow arrives with a tarp large enough to cover a tennis court...that did the trick.

As things happen in bunches, the County Inspector arrives to sign off on the "framing". Happening to call while the two PMs were here turned out interesting. First thing he signs off on the framing without looking at plans, or examing anything. Jovial fellow he is. The Senior PM looks happy until the Inspector, who isn't here to sign off on the windows, taps the windows and sees they are plain glass. Tells us "Non Impact" windows are not allowed unless provision is made for "shutters". The Senior PM says Nice Guys Corp will furnish shutters gratis - free.
I don't remember the subject of shutters being brought up when we contracted for the sunroom over a year back. I was sure we were assured all windows supplied by Nice Guys Corp were "Impact Resistant"...their web site implies just so much. I ask the PM if the plain glass can be replaced easily with Impact Resistant, and he answers: "Yes...but we're talking about cost here." This is sounding so ludicrous to me since we must have ordered the best...after all they only provide the best. Not so!
Then the Senior PM says we hadn't contracted for Impact Resistant windows, but will furnish blinds free. I can't recall, but suredly believe we wouldn't have expected anything less. I ask the SPM to Zerox a copy of the contract for me. I'm thinking more shenanagans.
When everyone leaves, and B/H returns from aerobics class, I ask if perchance we hold a copy of the contract...she shows me it. The SPM is right...we selected just plain glass. Really astonished since Nice Guys say in their web that Impact Resistant glass is used, it isn't saying "only", but "is" used - if you order it! It is very expensive!

Too long a time - one year. None of this controversy would happen if they came, slapped it up, and left; I wouldn't have gotten into these plans; memorized their web site; and began to feel they were like family. Thinking I'll take down these Home Pages...give up on all of this sunroom stuff, when I reconcider that maybe someone will happen onto it before they contract for a sunroom. Of the billions of personal home pages, even if one spots this one, is saved some grief it will be worth it. Anyways, it has been fun...if you enjoy it.

So...we will carry on...so to speak. Yesterday three Nice Guys worked most of the day undoing, and doing what wasn't as per specs, but what they undid, they re-did not to specs anyhow. Though not to specs, it appears to be sufficient, as what was re-done was sufficient...just looked primitive. Mid morning a your fellow drives up, goes back to where the others were busy, and fills in the small space between the house wall, and panel, essentially finishing the framing. He left with nary a word.
Here's what this sunroom so far looks like from the outside in it's now un-glorified; aesthetically challenged appearance.
Below the gable as viewed from inside showing the now undid, re-did Gable Ridge Post. Note Simpson Strap. At the base of the post is a Simpson Post Cap...not required, but can't hurt.
In the photo below note the Simpson ties for each truss. Screws used to fixed to concrete block. Neat!

With humongous tarpolin flapping in the breeze everyone leaves, the Senior MP saying mostly to himself: "I've to get my roofers here, and get that roof finished.".

Shortly after, B/H - "Better Half" is having a fit. Seems Nice Guys sent two ( one the girl with the front teeth missing ) to deliver some more wood...trim for the inside of the sunroom, but huge trim...looks like 2x3s. They used a large flat bed trailer, and backed it right up the neighbors driveway. Phew!

Expect nothing to happen until Monday.

See What Happens