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The Room With A View

Who needs this sh..?

Occasional Thunder Storms.

Thursday July 5, 2007


No show today, but at 1015 a Building Inspector shows up.

Signs off on the insulation, and asks if the electrician has been here.

Answering "No" since we haven't seen any, the Inspector hands us a tag to display that says:

Do not remove what? The tag? From what? He just handed me the tag as he got in his pickup truck with the County Logo on the door. I guess it means not to remove the tag from the premises because of what's written on the back: "When is room going to be wired?" Beats me! I presume anyone seeing the tag will read that written on the back.
Then as he's pulling away ( he parked in the street ) I asked him if this tag is the same as a "Stop Work" notice. He said: "Yes...nothing is to be done until the question asked on the tag is answered." I then asked him how will the room be wired when there's only solid wood behind the dry-walling? continuing: "Will they just tack wires, and outlet boxes to the dry-wall?' He then said that no exposed wiring is permitted...they will probably run pipe ( I guess he means conduit pipe ). That will look nice...sort of like in slaughter houses; factories; or mechanic's garages.
This is getting more bizarre as we near completion...if that's possible. I then asked who's going to inform the CONtractor, and he said they'll see it in their email.

To bring us up to date: On tuesday - July 3 '07 Three Nice Guys guys show up at 0915...one who was familiar from back when the screened pateo was demolished...he was now in charge of these other two to perform installation of Dry-Wall. All they brought for the day is what is shown above. The metal is for re-enforcing the corners of the stuph.
At 0945 the fellow "in charge" leaves...the other two begin "hanging" the Dry Wall. At 1500 the fellow in charge returns, works until 1615 at which time all three knock off for the day.

The South side of the sunroom showing the Dry Wall secured in place with nails, and screws. A view in the opposite direction shows the same. Now that the Inspector who showed this morning passed the insulation, the guys can return to finish off the overhead; and other places insulated with Fibre-Glass Wool; like the Gable Wall; and House Wall seen in the upper left in the photo above. That is, they can when the question about the Electrical work is answered. Until then not even that can be done.

As I type this page it is now early afternoon. It has been raining heavily on and off. In the photo above you can see some "clothes line" crossing the room. I managed to catch the roof tarpolin and bend that line to it before it blew up, and off the roof. I secured it in two other places also. Got soaked to the bone, and was a bit worried about being up that aluminum ladder while lightning flashed all around. The joys of getting a sunroom from Nice Guys Corp.

Will, if it is nice, the electrician show up? How is the electrician going to wire this room? Will he use pipe conduit, and receptical boxes standing out from the wall? How else can he do it when there aren't any voids behind the Dry Walling? How much more can this job become the disaster of sunrooms for the century? Stay tuned.

See What Happens