The Room With A View
Our Sunroom SEVEN
Friday January 26 2007

It was ten minutes after six...I was watching the local news.
"Well...he didn't call." she said.
"Back to square one." I said.

She broke out laughing.

All I said was: "Back to square one."

She laughed hilariously until the news ended at 1830. She was laughing so intensely, Winston kept jumping up on her like as if to calm her down...he never heard such laughter. Of course I have...she can really laugh when she is amused...and for some reason, what I said set her off. I do however have to presume she's envisioning the conversation with the CONtractor the day before.
What more could I say but that. I went back to the news on TV. This is getting funnier, and funnier...I have to admit, but not so funny as to almost "have an accident" as she said she might have a couple of times.

A little while later, after the National, and World news, and Winston's evening walk, I asked her for the sunroom plans they had drawn up last August. At least I can amuse myself adding something else to this page. Ha ha.

Heres the Floor Plan. Simple! Can such a small job be so confounding?